Carri (left) and me

Carri (left) and me

Monday, April 30, 2012

Results from the JBF Sale

The results are in and I would say it was a SUCCESS!!!  A little over 50% of my items sold at the sale and I will be getting a check for the Barefoot and Pregnant Fund for a total of $484.89! :)  Off the bat they took $10 out for a consignor fee and then took 35% of all items sold. I know I could have sold things on Craigslist and made a bit more but time is of the essence for me.  As you can see my car was packed to the max (love my Sequoia!).

FYI Mom - I did not sell the wagon it was just my mode of transportation while at the sale :)

I picked up my stuff last night that didn't sale and 95% of it was clothes.  I had a ginormous (is that a word?) box of clothes to begin with and 1/3 of it didn't sale probably because the clothes were for cooler weather and I needed to price things a little differently.  But for my first time doing the sale I think it was totally worth it!  They are having a fall sale in September and I will definitely be doing it again. September 13th is their next sale and they will be taking Fall/Winter related baby, kid, and maternity items so if anyone has things (or will have by the end of the summer) they no longer use and don't want to go through the hassle of selling it yourself please consider donating it to the Barefoot Fund and I will gladly do all the work to get it sold.

I found that the majority of the things that sold actually sold on the pre-sale day that is only open to consignors and volunteers.  They have an online section for consignors that shows you what has sold by the end of the night on each sale day and I could hardly wait to see my numbers each night :)  On the pre-sale day I made $224 and then the first day of the sale open to the public I made $120. Those were my best days and things that sold like hotcakes were: toys, books, bouncers, strollers, large baby equipment, nursing supplies (covers, Boppy's, breast pumps), bedding, receiving blankets, diaper bags, bath items and kids clothes 2T and up (infant clothing didn't sell too well).

All of this was just from me and one other person. Imagine just imagine what might be hiding in your closets or garages :)

Forgot to thank some people here - A big thank you to Lindsay for donating your goods and the idea to do it, thanks to my husband for scoring all the free hangers for me, and thank you Bethany & Josh for watching my kids while I dropped everything off!! I love you all :)

Here's my sweet helper (not really, she just got into everything) while I was tagging my items and no there was nothing in that pop can!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ever wonder what to say

Last week I came across this blog via a friend commenting about it on Facebook. I recognized her name and then the name of her blog "Still not pregnant" was enough for me to want to read about her journey. I went to high school with Molly and if you read about her you'll find that she has sadly suffered through 3 miscarriages and 5 failed IUI attempts (Carri has had 2 failed IUI's). As I was reading through some of her posts late one night this particular post resonated with me as I have often wondered what to say, what not to say to Carri.

This is an excerpt from her post, part of it is written by a friend of hers and the other part is her own words:

{So if you have a friend going through infertility, whether they are being treated or not, here is a great guideline for how to be a better friend to them. It's a hard (and thin) rope to walk on, and I know (those with infertility) don't always make it easy (I am especially guilty).

So in the answer to the question, "how to do you want people to treat you or what do you want people to say to you" - within the regards of infertility (before you find success and have kids) -  here are some ideas....... 

Here's what NOT to do/say:

    don't try to hide things to "protect" her
    don't mention how lucky she is that she gets to sleep in or not get woken up in the night, deal with tantrums, etc.
    don't tell her how great it is that she gets to travel (if she does)
    don't tell her that pregnancy is horrible and she's lucky she doesn't have to experience it
    no unsolicited advice is necessary, i.e.:  don't think about it & it will happen; just relax; don't drink/eat _______; try acupuncture; try this position; do a cleanse; maybe you should lose some weight, etc.
    have you thought about adoption?

You CAN say things projecting into the future with a positive spin like when she gets pregnant

    You're going to be the best mom/best parents
    you'll be so appreciative
    you'll know not to take them for granted

You can say things like "it's not fair," etc.  But it's not fair for anyone.  You wouldn't wish infertility on anyone, except teenage drug users.  :)  You can tell her that you have another dear friend that struggled for years with infertility, and now she has 3 kids... that's at least hopeful. :)

It's just a bum deal, and don't feel the pressure of coming up with the perfect thing to say to her, because there isn't one.  Honestly, there's not much to say, except be honest and be brief, and follow her lead.  If she wants to talk, let her talk.  If she doesn't, best not to bring it up.  Often just the mention of the issue can bring tears, and sometimes, all you want to do is have a moment when you're not thinking about it.  Church is hard, baby showers are hard, kids' birthday party invites are hard, sometimes driving in the car and hearing a song on the radio is hard--she probably fights back tears daily.  She just needs honest, empathetic friends.  The only thing that will really heal her sadness is a baby, and you have no control over that.

There isn't one thing that I remember being that special "aha" that made me feel better.  But people who hugged me, let me cry, and told me that they knew God had kids waiting to be mine, somehow, someway, helped comfort me.  It wasn't until I lost Wyatt (at 20 weeks along) that I didn't care how babies came to me.  That usually takes some serious soul-searching and heartache to come to that conclusion.  But my own advice, that I came to on my own, was that God had a plan of happiness for me and my family, and that no matter how babies came to me, I would love them, and cherish them, and I would be happy. 

All in all, be a friend. Share. Be happy. Be joyful - especially when your own family is experiencing joy. But try, just try to be mindful. We don't expect people to get it right all the time. Heck, it's a lot to ask of people, and for that, we apologize. I know I don't intend to be difficult or push people away. It's a defense mechanism. I am protecting myself from the hurt, the want, the desire to have what others have. I have always been happy for those around me, those who have gotten pregnant and had babies - I don't wish my hardships on anyone else. It breaks my heart when others have to experience what I have had to experience. I don't want a medal for my trials. I just want support. We (any who have been in my shoes) just want to know we are supported, thought of and loved.  In the end, we just want what you already have. And until we get it, we will always be a little extra sensitive to the fact that we don't have it - yet.

So, if you have a friend that might be struggling. Wrap your arms around them and just be there. It means the world to us.}

Admittedly I am guilty of committing at least one of the no-no's. When I got pregnant with Macy I didn't tell her for a week that I was pregnant because I just didn't want to cause her sadness. It really hurt her that I wasn't honest with her and of course she was really happy for me. Infertility is a delicate subject and I can't really begin to understand what Carri and others are going through. The only glimpse I have had into it is a very small period of 3 months between having a miscarriage and getting pregnant with Ayla. All I could think about (literally every second) after having my miscarriage was wanting a baby. I can't imagine that feeling multiplied by even a little because it was so awful. I wish there was a way to take all that pain away for people but that's why we have the Father, He can take it away and give hope, comfort, and love.

The good news is that Molly just underwent IVF and has just found out that she is pregnant! She may have one or two little ones in there. We'll be praying that the pregnancy continues to be a success!

As for Carri and Milo, they are preparing to undergo another IUI treatment soon. What this means is that medication will have to be taken for several weeks beforehand. So that's where they are right now. They have been busy with their house that they bought at the beginning of the year and an exchange student from Yemen that is living with them through June. I need to get down there and see them and their new place but first I need to start pricing and tagging my garage full of stuff for the Just Between Friends sale that's coming up very soon :) All the money made from this will go into the Barefoot and Pregnant Fund for Carri. I'm still taking donations for the sale up through Friday if you're interested (for more information read more about it here).

Thanks everyone! Have a good night :)

*If you'd like to make a cash donation for Carri just click on the "Donate" button on the upper right side of this blog or contact me.